Fruit-eating bats
Many kinds of bats dine on fruit. When bats eat fruit, seeds drop onto the ground, take root, and new fruit trees grow. In fact, bats should be thanked for providing many of the fruits, nuts and spices found on supermarket shelves. Fruit eating bats also replant damaged rainforests through seed-dispersal. It is estimated that over 90 percent of rainforest is regenerated through natural seed-dispersal. Fruit bats use their keen eyesight to locate their juicy prey.
Insect-eating bats
All nine kinds of bats that live in Connecticut are insectivores. Insectivorous bats consume night-flying insects that spread diseases and destroy crops. Their remarkable echolocation skills enable them to "see with their ears" in total darkness, allowing them to target and zoom in on their prey. Insectivorous bats save U.S. farmers billions of dollars annually by providing safe, effective pest-control.
Pollinating bats
Using their keen eyesight and/or echolocation skills, nectivorous bats find night-blooming flowers and pollinate them in the same manner that hummingbirds pollinate day-blooming flowers. Many agricultural crops, nursery plants and other species of flowering plants, including cactus and agave, rely on bats for pollination. Agave is a major economic crop in the U.S. Southwest and Mexico.
Bats safely control harmful insects that spread disease and destroy crops, and they provide their services free of charge.
Quality & Quantity
Bats provide a quality service by consuming a great quantity of insects. Unlike pest-control companies, bats are non-toxic and you'll never get a bill.
Bats work as a team, each kind of bat performing unique services all over our land, from cities to forests, including your backyard.
Bats leave no footprints, carbon or otherwise, and they play a vital role ensuring the future of a healthy planet. Help bats and they'll help you.
My vision is to continue to build an organization that cares for bats in every way and ensures their future.
My mission is to return rehabilitated bats back to their natural environment, and to inform the public about the role bats play in sustaining a healthy planet.